お問い合わせ Contact us today for mutual development Homeお問い合わせ A FULL SERVICE Providing a wide range of services related to the factory production lines. MAINTENANCE Providing a wide range of services related to the factory production lines. DELIVERY Providing a wide range of services related to the factory production lines. Drop A Line 質問を送信 Let's Start a Project Give us a call or drop by anytime, we endeavour to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days. We will be happy to answer your questions. Address 台湾、台中市、太平区、鵬義路205号411 mail & phone yung.gang@gmail.com メールアドレス +886-4-22777438 working time 月曜~金曜:午前8時30分~午後5時30分 Facebook-f Zmdi Zmdi-linkedin スカイプ